JORDI FERNÁNDEZ | Questioning methodologies

JORDI FERNÁNDEZ | Questioning methodologies

In training, we have increasingly accepted that we will never find the perfect technique, because it will depend on the characteristics of the player who executes it in the environment she is in; we are beginning to assume that there will never be a universal collective game model, but that its perfection will depend on the individual and emerging qualities of those who make up the group. Why, then, do we continue to seek and monetize supposedly perfect, universal and absolute methodologies that lead to success regardless of where they are applied or by whom? Isn’t this thought contrary to everything we preach? Are methodologies such as Tactical Periodization or Structured Training sources of empowerment or prisons for the coaches’ thinking and quality? We spend more and more resources on player improvement... but who cares about the coach? Or only players need to learn because we, the coaches, already know everything? Is the methodology of a club a cause or a consequence? These doubts were awakened in me by Jordi Fernández: current Methodology Coordinator of Venezia FC and former member of the Methodology Area of FC Barcelona. Next, you will find his reflections in Spanish; if you want it in English, don’t miss the YouTube video of the episode.

Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop

Here you have the video with English subtitles of the conversation with Jordi:

You can also access the conversation in the following platforms:

Spotify | Apple Podcasts | iVoox | Google Podcasts | Amazon Music

You can also read the Fosbury Flop podcast, the automatic English transcript of the episode is available for you. You can find it in the menu at the top.

Notes of the episode

The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation | Jaques Rancière

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder | Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking | François Jullien

Del Bayern de Munich al Bayern de Pep | Óscar Cano

Stand by | Extremoduro

Serial Winning Coaches: People, Vision, and Environment | Cliff Mallett & Sergio Lara-Bercial

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