Fidias. Health, sport, education.
Fidias is a fitness center formed by a team of people passionate about education and movement. They have such innovative vision that it’s hard to explain. For this reason, I invite you to discover its methodology, masters, courses, blog and store... clicking on this link.
Last, but not least, thank them for the transfer of the image you’ll see in this post of “May the force, and patience, be with us…” and the gift of this t-shirt —which I love— that you can see on this episode.
I would summarize the way of seeing the world of Raúl and his Fidias team with Mishima’s quote: “Qui n’ha begut en tindrà set tota la vida.” (“Whoever has drunk of this will be thirsty all his life.”) He doesn’t give us a recipe, but he teaches us how to cook. He doesn’t explain us a methodology or tell us what exercises to do, but he teaches us how to build our and choose them. That’s why his way of thinking and seeing the world applies to everything and, while he explains us how he trains, we learn how to live.
The conversation is in Spanish. You can watch it with English subtitles in the YouTube video of the episode or read the automatic English transcript by clicking on the menu above.
Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop
Here you have the video with English subtitles of the conversation with Raúl:
You can also access the conversation in the following platforms:
Spotify | Apple Podcasts | iVoox | Google Podcasts | Amazon Music
You can also read the Fosbury Flop podcast, the automatic English transcript of the episode is available for you. You can find it in the menu at the top.
Notes of the episode
Improving high-intensity intermittent running performance and repeated-sprint and jump ability in young elite female handball players: to lift or to play? | Martin Bucheit, Fabien Leblond, Jennifer Buchheit & Christine Renaud
Natàlia Balagué on ResearchGate
Carlota Torrents on ResearchGate
May the force be with us… | Martí Cañellas
La teoría de los sistemas dinámicos y el entrenamiento deportivo | Carlota Torrents
Complejidad y deporte | Natàlia Balagué & Carlota Torrents
The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness | Todd Rose
Blog Movement Trainers | Fidias
Ser funcional: el blog del entrenamiento útil | Raúl Gil
Estructura Vs Cultura… ¡Fight! | Raúl Gil
Trabajo de Core para Ser Funcional | Raúl Gil
¡Ibuprofeno para todos! | Raúl Gil
I have a dream… (Ser Funcional Version) | Raúl Gil
Training catalogue, courses... from Fidias
T-shirt of Fidias “Strong but extinct”
Fosbury Flop blog
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