The Padel Row is a project led by Bernat Cardenas, a Spanish padel coach working in Sweden and around the world. His look at padel training is unique in this reductionist and outdated sport. His padel training seeks for the player to reach his maximum potential. They create the appropriate environment for the player to grow and, depending on each situation, they choose the proper tools to achieve it.
Get to know them in depth at:
Website of The Padel Row | Instagram of The Padel Row | Instagram of Bernat Cardenas
This is the conversation I had with Bernat Cardenas for The Padel Row, a padel coaching project to help every player whatever their level. Padel is still surrounded by an infinite number of incomprehensible mechanistic beliefs. The current way of training and understanding padel is not consistent with its true essence. The best Brazilian footballers become stars playing in the street, but in padel it seems that one must first learn “correct” and closed movements to then be able to play and be free. Throughout this conversation, we try to give advice for the players, analyze the role of the coach and rethink the principles that govern the sport.
Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop
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Notes of the episode
Will Coello be the Fosbury of padel? | Martí Cañellas
A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking | François Jullien
Why call it iatrogenics if we can call it “technique training”? | Martí Cañellas
Pavel Datsyuk: Learning, Development, and Becoming the “Magic Man” | Mark O’Sullivan, Vladislav A. Bespomoshchnov & Clifford J. Mallett
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