Ferran Adrià is one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He was the chef at elBulli, 5 times chosen best restaurant in the world. In sporting terms, it is as if Barça had won 10 Champions Leagues in a row and he was the head coach. We met one evening to talk about it at a hotel in Barcelona... the rest is history.
It is in Spanish. If you prefer the English version, you can watch the YouTube video of the episode.
Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop
Here you have the video with English subtitles of the conversation with Ferran:
You can also access the conversation in the following platforms:
Spotify | Apple Podcasts | iVoox | Google Podcasts | Amazon Music
You can also read the Fosbury Flop podcast, the automatic English transcript of the episode is available for you. You can find it in the menu at the top.
Notes of the episode
The Last Waltz | elBullifoundation
Conectando conocimiento. Metodología Sapiens | Auri Garcia & Ferran Adrià
elBulli1846 | elBullifoundation
Jiro Dreams of Sushi | David Gelb
Ferran: The Inside Story of El Bulli and the Man Who Reinvented Food | Colman Andrews
Cómo funciona elBulli | Ferran Adrià & Albert Adrià
Bullipedia | elBullifoundation
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder | Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The End of the Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness | Todd Rose
The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization | Peter M. Senge
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FERRAN ADRIÀ | Unlabelable