Right after winning the Giro d’Italia, Roberto Visentini was asked why he didn’t try to win the Tour de France. He replied that in July he went to the beach. Faced with the doubt whether to do things the Mediterranean way or the wrong one, I opted for the first: Fosbury Flop —like Visentini— goes on holiday. See you again in September. There are things that are not chosen.
During these summer weeks, I will be talking to more geniuses who change the world, capturing on paper the lessons I want to become aware of, reading whatever I feel like in the moment, and listening to some of the numerous podcast episodes I have pending... But most importantly, I will be thinking, with immense gratitude, of all the guests who, altruistically, have dedicated part of their time to a young person curious as a small child; the experts I have bothered to read and improve some of my texts; the thinkers who have illuminated my path in times of doubt; all those who have dared to criticize constructively; the amazing people who have dedicated their own resources to make Fosbury Flop possible; all the people inside and outside the sport who have made me smile by talking to me about the value they found; the great players I have coached who have taught me so much; and all the wonderful people I have been fortunate enough to meet —you have not been few!— that make me think: “I wish I had met you in high school.” I wasn’t looking for anything, it was a blast to find this gift. To all of you: thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you think that a bit of time and distance could be good for our relationship, fantastic. If you don’t want to be left alone until September, you have many other options to not lose touch. In each of the seven editions of the Fosbury Flop drawer, you will find content that I have been recommending. Maybe you haven’t read training texts like the How to coach padel* [*Or any other complex, uncertain, variable... sport] yet. If you want more extensive reading for the summer, the excerpts from the Diary of a creator of his own destiny are an option —you can even read the entire diary. You will find training and life reflections from a coach who still doesn’t know for sure if he is ahead or behind his time. Also consider letting yourself be influenced by notes of professionals I collected from other disciplines, artists or designers like Oscar Tusquets or Miguel Milá. They are short posts that can make you think or, even better, enjoy. Because making people laugh is the only thing more important than being right.
You can unlock all this content right now by updating your subscription and choosing the mode you prefer. You will also get the rest of the exclusive content that will be published during the summer: from different sports stories to the talk Inconsistencies between the game of professionals and the training of beginners in padel that I gave at the training seminar organized by Venezia FC, among other content. If you are interested, click the following button:
The last option if you think you’re going to miss Fosbury Flop all summer long —for those of you who are premium subscribers and also for those who aren’t— is, if you feel like it, to send me a message and chat for a while about whatever we like. Because, exploring over time, I have discovered that this is why I share my personal training and life reflections: because of the wonderful people with whom these stories I write connect me.
The valuable things in this life are the things that cannot be bought.
I wish you enjoy the holidays immensely... and way more than luck!
Una abraçada agraïda,
Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop