Fosbury Flop drawer #03
In the Fosbury Flop drawer I keep the things that have empowered me to live —and coach— better. I like to share them but I prefer to add new ones. Feel free to let us know yours!
“There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in.”
—Leonard Cohen
Pavel Datsyuk: Learning, Development, and Becoming the “Magic Man” | Mark O’Sullivan, Vladislav A. Bespomoshchnov & Clifford J. Mallett
Whenever I make a recommendation for a book or paper, I like to quote some part of it. From this article by Mark O’Sullivan, I can’t highlight just one.
In this scientific article, Mark et al. interview Pavel Datsyuk —one of the best players in the history of ice hockey— and reflect on the infinite number of factors that end up impacting a learning process. Looking back you can see how the culture in the USSR, its policies, the scarcity of goods, the attitude of his family, the mentality of the player... contributed to the emergence of what is now the best ice hockey player in finding sophisticated solutions skillfully. You can understand where his unorthodox skills, his unique style… come from.
Alike | Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez
In a busy life, Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way to his son, Paste. But... what is the correct path? It is about a father and son relationship but, it also applies to most coaches who “teach” players.
I wish you way more than luck!
Una abraçada,
Martí Cañellas | Fosbury Flop
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